Arise Motion

Welcome To My Office 01 – A Beautiful Morning

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A little over a week ago I got up well before morning light. I almost always get up early – between 6:00 and 6:30, but on that day I had a purpose. I first had two cups of coffee, which in retrospect, maybe I shouldn’t have, if you know what I mean. Then I got dressed in warm clothes, loaded my gear into my car and headed out. My destination was Hall Lake. I had seen on the weather that it was going to be cold (35 degrees) so my plan was to get photos and video of the morning mist over the lake. I got to my destination well before sunrise and as the sun started to illuminate the day, to my dismay, NO MIST! I decided to set up my video camera anyway because the lake was smooth as glass and the reflections were amazing. As I got my video camera set up, it must have cooled down even further because the mist started to float above the still of the water. These are a few of the images I took.

So what does this have to do with my office, you might ask? Well, I was laid off from my job when Covid first hit. For the longest time I had hopes of returning to it when this whole thing blew over. As you all know, it has not blown over and things have changed at my old job. I eventually gave up any hope of going back. I asked God what He wanted me to do and to give me direction. I got what I felt was an answer in the form of a couple of people at my church who said I should make background videos for church overhead screens. The fact that it was completely random and that they both told me the same week on separate days makes me think that it was from God. Those that believe know that God speaks to us in many different ways and one of those ways is through fellow Christians.



So, since then, I have been diligently working on a website called So, as of now, this beautiful spot on Hall lake is my new office. This and many other beautiful places that I have visited.

Is this what God wants me to do with my life? I don’t know. I hope so because I love what I am doing. All I know is that this is what He wants me to do right now. During my trip to Hall lake, I walked around taking photos as my video camera recorded the billowing mist and the sun slowly illuminating the tops of the trees. I eventually had taken enough photos and just stood there reveling in the thought that this very scene happens day after day whether I am there to witness it or not. It made me realize God’s vast creation, His attention to detail and His faithfulness. It was humbling. For a while, my troubles seemed so small and insignificant. At the same time it was comforting to know that God, day after day takes care of the birds that were singing and the fish that were breaking the calm of the water. If He lovingly tends to them, how much more so will he take care of me. In the peace of the morning I had a long talk with God, as I do on every one of my outings. This is the main thing that makes me think what I am doing is what I am meant to be doing. I hope so…

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