Arise Motion

Welcome To My Office 02 – Elusive Deer

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Hello again. I am back with another glimpse of the beautiful office space God has allowed me to work in. Let me start by saying that the attached video is not very good. I have a master plan in creating my website, Part of that plan was to purchase a very nice camcorder so I could create background scenery videos for church overhead screens. Well, I got my nice video camera. The only problem is that it has a lot of buttons and dials and gizmos! Hence the rather poor quality of this video. I am still learning all about the operation of my camcorder but I am getting there. I will not be putting this video on my website but I thought it would be fun to share it with you. The video quality is very poor, but personally, I think the subject matter is kind of magical.

For this outing I took a trip to Duncan Park in Grand Haven. My plan was to catch the gently blowing fall leaves on video. I also thought that if I were lucky, I might even get some video of the bazillion black squirrels that seem to be everywhere there. As I was climbing the hills of this 80 acre park I came across four deer nonchalantly grazing amongst the old growth trees. If you have never been to Duncan Park, I would highly recommend it – it is beautiful . Being new to setting up my video camera, I fumbled around, making a terrible racket, which of course, scared the deer away. For the next hour I stalked the four deer around the park trying to get a good view of them. They never ran very far away, just far enough so that I couldn’t get them in decent camera range. I did manage to get the attached video.

Maybe you had to be there, but I am still filled with a sense of awe at this scene. The fact that the one deer seemed to be oblivious to the squirrels chasing around just a few feet from it makes me think of the verse in the Bible: The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them.” To me, that verse points to a time in the future when there will be paradise on Earth. Standing there in the peace of the forest, watching God’s creatures dwelling together gave me the feeling of being in a little bit of paradise on Earth. Like I said, maybe you had to be there. I thank God for giving me the opportunity.

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