Arise Motion

Welcome To My Office 03 – Learning Through Adversity

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The video clip I included in this post is part of the “adversity” mentioned in the title. I put adversity in quotes because compared to the trials currently being faced many people, the problem I experienced is pretty minor. I actually count myself as extremely blessed. I have a loving family and a few of good friends that are always there to support me. Even though technically unemployed, I have a place to live, have kept my bills up to date and have not gone hungry. This was just a small bump in the road.

The problem was that my main computer quit working. I even feel embarrassed saying that. So many people do not even own one computer, let alone two. The problem is, this computer contained all of the files for my website. When it first happened, I was beside myself with panic. All of my hard work down the drain! I had backed most of the files up to an external hard drive but there were about 40 videos that I hadn’t gotten around to backing up. Moral number one of this story: ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR FILES!!! I knew this, it’s almost like my mantra, but sometimes I just get caught up in the moment and forget. I was despondent. I had just bought this computer a couple of years ago to replace one that was un-repairable. What if this one was un-repairable also? As I lay in bed that night praying, it came to me – you dummy, all of your files are on your “E” drive. That is the auxiliary drive, not the operating system hard drive. I have two computers that are the same model so I can take a drive out of one and put it into the other in about ten seconds. I was relieved about that but what if the broken computer couldn’t be repaired? As I lay there a feeling of calm came over me. I got the feeling that it was all going to be okay. I just got my repaired computer back. It cost me $150.00 but it could have been much worse. It turned out okay.

So, what did I learn because of that setback? Well, even though my other computer is the same model it doesn’t have the hardware to make it capable of running the program I make my videos with. I do, on the other hand, have a program called Clip Studio Pro on my second computer. It is on my secondary computer because I use it with my drawing tablet, which is hooked up to that computer. I was learning Clip Studio Pro a couple of summers ago and getting the hang of using the drawing tablet but put it on the back burner in order to make my website. I have always intended to get back to it and really learn the ins and outs of the program. Have you ever noticed that you tend to avoid the unfamiliar? That’s what I eventually began doing with Clip Studio Pro. Having my main computer break down forced me to WORK WITH WHAT I HAD – Clip Studio Pro. After a week of using it again, all of the tricks and shortcuts were coming back to me. To be honest, it has been a real joy using it and the drawing tablet. It has opened up my imagination to all sorts of new possibilities for my website.

Sometimes, what seems like a setback is actually just a new challenge that will reap new and bigger rewards. I have been trying to put myself into that mindset. It is easier to do that knowing there is a kind and loving God taking care of me. I still struggle with faith and trust but all of the little trials I have been facing have slowly been drumming this message into my thick head. Like everyone, I am a work in progress. Progress is the key word…

Comments ( 2 )


Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.


    Thank you Mark. Sorry I took so long to reply. I have been working on my house which was severely damaged in a tornado. I will be back to posting soon. Thanks for your support.

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